# Unloads all PowerShell script modules from the specified directory.
# Call it like this:
# & $PSScriptRoot/Unload-Modules.ps1
# The main purpose of this script is to allow modules to be reloaded
# when they have changed.
# Reason: By default, "Import-Module" doesn't reload a module if it's already
# loaded - even if its source code has changed.
# One can use "Import-Module ... -Force" but this has three downsides:
# 1. You need to make sure that -Force is really used in every "Import-Module"
# statement (or things may get weird)
# 2. "-Force" clears all variables with "$script:xxx" scope. This is problematic
# when a function force imports a module after this module has already been
# used (and thus set some script variables).
# 3. With "-Force", if the same module is imported by multiple scripts/modules
# within the same "process", it gets reimported multiple times (increasing the
# startup time slightly).
# Thus, it's easier to just unload all modules and then use "Import-Module"
# without "-Force".
[string] $ModulePath = ''
# Stop on every error
$script:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ModulePath)) {
$ModulePath = $PSScriptRoot
else {
$ModulePath = Resolve-Path $ModulePath
$modulesToRemove = @()
$loadedModules = Get-Module -All
foreach ($loadedModule in $loadedModules) {
if ($loadedModule.ModuleType -ne 'Script') {
if ($loadedModule.Path.StartsWith($ModulePath, 'OrdinalIgnoreCase')) {
$modulesToRemove += $loadedModule
$modulesToRemove | Remove-Module -Force